2018 Schedule
The Vermont Code Camp schedule includes sessions on a variety of software topics, including programming, databases, web and more.
Room 221 - Data: From Big to Small
Room 232 - Code, APIs, and Things
Room 233 - Modern Practices
Room 424 - Testing and Devops
Room 442 - For Fun and Profit
8:00am- 8:45am
Registration (& Coffee, Tea, Juice, Pastries) |
8:45am- 9:00am
Welcome |
9:00am- 10:00am
Survey of Big Data Infrastructures
Malina Kirn
For the DotNoobs! Leveling Up Your C#
Bob Crowley
Real World Introduction To Enterprise Blockchain
Paul Swider
The Whole Team Approach to Testing in Continuous Delivery
Lisa Crispin
Bit Banging and Other Fun Programming at the Edge.
Scott Thibault
10:15am- 10:45am
Getting started with Azure Marketplace
Udaiappa Ramachandran
Enterprise Apps for the Web Platform
Bradley Holt
Exploring User Mental Models of Data Sharing
Amy Chess
Semantic release
gleb bahmutov
Leadership Ethics and Diversity
Kash Kundargi
11:00am- 12:00pm
"Recalculating!" - Navigating Container Technologies and Azure
Chris Bowen
A Gentle Introduction to ReactJS
Linus Falck-Ytter
Artificial Intelligence for everyone
Veronika Kolesnikova
Maintaining Investment Grade Technical Debt
Peter Vile
Everything SEO: Strategy, Process, Technical Implementation, Tools, & the Real World
John Waterman, PMP, GISP
12:00pm- 1:00pm
Lunch |
1:00pm- 1:30pm
Pushing Data to the Cloud and Serving It Up Fast!
Rama Kocherlakota
Coding In Real Life: Python, 3D Modelling and Printing
Kendall Fortney
Practical UX & UI for Developers
Kyle Mitofsky
Continuous Integration/Delivery of SQL Databases
Zachary Kingston
Civic Tech: Meaningful Ways to Use Your Skills
Micah Mutrux
Brie Hoblin
1:45pm- 2:45pm
The Ultimate Stage in Machine Learning
Svetlana Levitan
Developing ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web APIs for your Web and Mobile Apps
Chris Woodruff
Powershell Primer
Larry Keyes
Automated Quality Assurance: From Apprentice to Master
Shawn Vernier
How to get a great job and build a network in a rural market
Kip Steele
2:45pm- 3:15pm
Break and Afternoon Snacks |
3:30pm- 4:00pm
Go API Middleware
John Cicilio
WebAssembly and Blazor
Floyd Hilton
Accessibility Awareness: Empowering Everyone
Mandy Swithenbank
Value Stream Mapping
Tobin Winters
5 Key Skills & Tools to Instantly Improve Project Success
Annmarie Curley
4:15pm- 5:15pm
Using MySQL Workbench to Design and Build Databases
Frank Canovatchel
Building Serverless Data APIs
Julie Lerman
Excel Tools for the Global Ingredients Archiving System
Mitch Miller
Unit Testing with JUnit and Eclipse - Basics
Murat K. Gungor
Developer’s Guide to WordPress
Josh Lee
5:15pm- 5:30pm
Closing Remarks |